Standing up for Black lives – 07/03/20

We, the board and staff of Kutsinhira Cultural Arts Center, want to clearly and publicly express our support for the Black Lives Matter movement. We hope you will stand with us in solidarity as partners in this fight for racial justice.

Throughout the history of the United States, Black people have been subjected to systems of brutality and oppression. Each of us — but particularly those of us who have the privilege that comes with white skin — must act to end these injustices. We call for accountability in law enforcement and an end to the systemic persecution of Black people, in our local community and beyond.

Kutsinhira’s mission depends fundamentally on strong, healthy relationships with Black Zimbabweans who generously share their music and culture with us. We strive to honor those relationships, and vow to continue reflecting deeply on the significance of that cross-cultural exchange and on our responsibilities as a predominantly white organization in the United States.

Whether we are conscious of racism in ourselves or not, we must recognize that it exists throughout our society — in Oregon, in Eugene, and within Kutsinhira. We must ask ourselves, as an organization and as individuals, how we may unintentionally uphold systems of oppression against Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). We must root out any biases that undermine our efforts to create an inclusive community among students, teachers, performers, audience members, friends, family, and the broader community.

Toward that end, we pledge to become more deeply informed about racial and cultural issues. Kutsinhira’s board and staff will determine ways to facilitate frank explorations of topics such as the colonial history of Zimbabwe, current economic disparities between our Black teachers and our membership, oppression in both Zimbabwe and the U.S., cultural appropriation, and racial and cultural diversity within Kutsinhira.

Though we recognize the challenge of dismantling systems built on oppression, we are heartened by the heightened possibility for transformative change in this moment. We hope you will join us in being part of that change by engaging in conversation and learning.


Kutsinhira board of directors:
Nancy Novitski, President
Dennis Urso, Treasurer
Marilyn Mangus, Secretary
Marilyn Kolodziejczyk, Zimbabwe Liaison
Chris Donahue
Erin Ely
Andrea Olson
Betsy Priddle
Lynne Swift

Kutsinhira staff:
Gary Spalter, Executive Director and Teacher
Sue Dickman, Education Director
Karen Howe, Facilities Manager
Maggie Donahue, Founder and Teacher
Ratie Dangarembwa Morgan, Teacher
Caleb Donahue, Teacher
Wanda Walker, Teacher

Help our friends in Zimbabwe

As our lives change so radically, my mind often turns to our friends in Zimbabwe.  How are they faring through this pandemic?  Like most of the rest of the world, they are under a lockdown which at times is strictly enforced with an authoritarian hand.  This significantly effects their ability to earn money, to obtain food and to grow their own food.   I’d like to share the following firsthand accounts.  Be sure to read a somber and honest on the ground report from Nhimbe’s Jaiaen Beck.  If you’d like to help out, funds can be donated to Kutsinhira where we will disburse funds asap to our teachers and friends as well as to organizations operating in Zimbabwe like Nhimbe, Tariro, Ngwana, Humwe, and Vaima, so that they can help their constituents.  For more:

Community Appeal April 2020

The Kutsinhira center remains closed

Kutsinhira will remain closed through June 12 as per state guidelines, restrictions and statutes.  As restrictions are let up we will assess the appropriateness of opening the center again.  As of now, no use will be permitted.  Let’s hope for a summer full of marimba classes and performances.  We will update you too in the future about the planned visits by our guest artists Musekiwa Chingodza, Cosmas Magaya and others who had planned to come through this year.  Zimbabwe is currently under a strict 21-day lock down.  This greatly hinders Zimbabweans ability to support themselves financially and even more so effect their ability to feed themselves and their families.  Food deprivation is an imminent problem if things get worse.  We will keep you all informed as things evolve here and in Zimbabwe.

We hope you are all holding up and staying healthy.  Be sure to take time for your mental heatlh; breath, relax and stay connected.

Update: Continuing Closure

Students, families and friends –

I hope this finds everyone safe and healthy.  Kutsinhira remains closed as we and the entire world await to see how this pandemic plays out.  To the point: we will generally follow the 4J School System’s lead and of course any statewide orders as to when we might reopen.  As of today, 4J schools remain closed until April 28 and so will Kutsinhira.  Additionally this year’s Zimfest, the annual Zimbabwean Music Festival, has been cancelled.  With these interruptions to our usual educational fare and entertainment, we at Kutsinhira are talking about ways we might be able to offer instruction during the late spring and summer seasons.  As options become available, we will share them with you.   I know we all hope for a quick resolution to the virus’ disruptions and so we busy ourselves until then with other things.  Here are some distractions and learning options I can offer now.

I took this picture a couple of years ago during my travels in the American Southwest.  It’s a place of amazing beauty that I’ve enjoyed visiting, Bryce National Park in southern Utah.   I wanted to share something that brings good memories to me but also might bring you a moment of calm, a moment of break from today’s crises.  Another way I’ve taken a break lately is to pick up the mbira, brushing off old parts and relearning forgotten ones.  Perhaps you’ve had a sparkle of  interest in the mbira and now find yourself with some time to explore the instrument.  Feel free to reach out to me at or to our Education Director Sue Dickman at if you’d like more information about renting an mbira and about resources for virtual learning.  A great brand new resource about the mbira is the two-book collection The Art of Mbira and Mbira’s Restless Dance co-written by our friend and long-time mbira teacher Cosmas Magaya.   The books include video clips for easy virtual learning of mbira.  Check them out here and for purchase online at Smile Amazon.  Speaking of Smile Amazon, while you find yourself with time, be sure to make Kutsinhira your supported charity and use the Smile Amazon portal so that your shopping benefits our organization.

I’m sure many of you are reading more.  I stumbled across this fascinating article about the history of the Zimbabwean marimba written by Claire Jones, professor of ethnomusicology at the University of Washington and coordinator of the Zimbabwean Music Festival.

And for your musical enjoyment, be sure to check out the newly released CD Tinofamba by Kudana, Eugene’s oldest marimba ensemble. You’ll recognize many of the songs which include beautiful vocals and the amazing talents of our friend and teacher Muskeiwa Chingodza and local Zimbabwean guitar extraordinaire Gilbert Zvamaida.

Kutsinhira Visioning 2019

On November 9, Kutsinhira’s board and several other Kutsinhira members gathered for a visioning session about the future of the organization.

Kutsinhira last conducted a formal visioning session in 2011. Many goals from that 2011 visioning have been achieved:

  • Relocate. In 2016, we achieved this longstanding goal by moving the center to its current site at the Village School — a much more central location (and a lovelier space!).
  • Increase enrollment. Kutsinhira’s educational program has regained financial stability and diversified, with more marimba classes and students overall, more children’s classes, an ongoing mbira program, and new Zimbabwean teachers on staff.
  • Increase support of ZCDP. Kutsinhira’s annual financial support for our Zimbabwean Community Development Program has increased, expanding the impacts of the funded projects in Zimbabwe.

At this year’s visioning session, after some fruitful brainstorming, participants prioritized the following four areas for further exploration:

  1. Community Outreach and Service – How can Kutsinhira be of greater service to the Eugene-Springfield community?
  2. Fiscal Sponsorship – Shall we engage in fiscal sponsorship, a legal arrangement that could allow Kutsinhira to facilitate more projects consistent with our mission?
  3. Zimbabwean Resident and Guest Support – How can we create and facilitate more paid opportunities for Zimbabwean musicians living in Eugene and visiting Zimbabwean artists?
  4. Growth – In what ways do we want Kutsinhira to grow and how might we accomplish that?

Committees were formed to pursue the first three areas noted above. Given the breadth of the topic of growth, it was tabled for further discussion at a later time.

Kutsinhira has successfully established itself as an educational center for Zimbabwean music, as a sponsor for Zimbabwean guest artists, and as a grantor of funds to organizations doing work in Zimbabwe. We look forward to exploring the new possibilities outlined above!

Fall 2019 Letter from the Director

Kwaziwai students, families and supporters – as our school year begins I’d like to welcome our students back.  Our teaching program is stronger and larger than ever with 4 childrens’ marimba classes, 5 adult marimba classes including a new beginners class for the fall quarter, 2 mbira classes and a southern African singing class taught by our newest teacher Ratie Dangarembwa.  This past year John Mambira also taught a Rhythms of Zimbabwe class for our youngest students aged 8-12.  We hope to offer this class again in the near future. (more…)


On Sale

Artist: Kutsinhira Cultural Arts Center

Musimboti is a collection of tracks recorded by various Kutsinhira bands and members. It includes marimba, mbira, drumming and singing.

“I’m enjoying listening to this collection of marimba and mbira songs much more than I might expect to enjoy just any class recital. The Kutsinhira Center in Eugene has been spawning good players for a long time, and the ensembles represented here are fine examples. The album is enhanced by Zimbabwean guests Beauler Dyoko, Cosmas Magaya, and Musekiwa Chingodza, who perform with one another and with the Kutsinhira members on nearly every track. Mbira is well represented on Musimboti with Serevende Nyamaropa played by Musekiwa Chingodza and Jennifer Kyker, Nhemamusasa by Musekiwa, Beauler, and Cosmas, and Taireva played by Cosmas and friends.”
— Paul Novitski, Dandemutande


  • Taireva (marimba)
  • Nhemamusasa (marimba)
  • Serevende Nyamaropa (mbira)
  • Kapotso Unondo Tamba Iwewe (marimba)
  • Kasahwa (marimba)
  • Nhemamusasa (mbira)
  • Kumakomo (marimba)
  • Sikokiyana (marimba)
  • Taireva (mbira)
  • Chipembere ya Stavo (marimba)
  • Hwende (drums and vocals)

Hokoyo Live

On Sale

Artist: Hokoyo Marimba

Hokoyo’s second release, recorded live in Eugene, Oregon, captures the excitement of these talented young players. Feels as if you are actually there, live in concert.


  • Bangidza
  • Ndangariro
  • Hombi
  • Kapotso
  • ChipembereyaStavo
  • Kutambarara
  • Todzungaira
  • Zomba
  • Shumba
  • Zendekaiwa
  • Sikokiyana
  • Sekuru Joe


On Sale

Artist: Hokoyo Marimba

Recorded in 2006, this is Hokoyo Marimba’s first and only studio recording. 20% of CD sales proceeds go to Kutsinhira’s Zimbabwe Community Development Project.


  • Chipembere
  • Zendekaiwa
  • Chemutengure
  • Kapotso
  • Nhemamusasa
  • Ncuzu
  • Hombi
  • Sikokiyana
  • Sekuru Joe
  • Todzungaira
  • Zomba
  • Tipe Tizwe
  • Mbira / Amaxoxo


Artist: Cosmas Magaya and Beauler Dyoko

This is the last, historic recording made together by the celebrated traditional mbira partners, Cosmas Magaya and Beauler Dyoko. Ndangariro means remembrance, reflection on past events, and this album is offered in tribute to the great Ambuya (Grandmother) Beauler Dyoko, the first female Zimbabwean recording artist, who passed away in 2013. She is greatly missed by fans of traditional Zimbabwean music. Cosmas Magaya, also a long time giant amongst Zimbabwean mbira players, first met Beauler Dyoko in the 1970s, and the two legends formed a friendship that has lasted these many years. Between 1994 and the present, they have also delighted many audiences throughout the US, Canada, and Europe as a performing team. In this, their final album, you will hear the expert mbira playing and lively vocals that have delighted many audiences throughout the US, Canada, and Europe as a duo. Kutsinhira recommends that you buy the physical 6-panel CD – for its beautiful photographs, liner notes and translation by Cosmas Magaya, and general historical value.

All proceeds from sales go to Cosmas Magaya and to the family of Beauler Dyoko.


  • Bangiza (6:22)
  • Mukatiende/Bhukatiende (6:50)
  • Nhemamusasa (7:07)
  • Dangurangu (6:16)
  • Tondobayana (3:32)
  • MhondoroDzinonwa (5:38)
  • Dindingwe (4:29)
  • NyamaropayePasi (8:00)
  • Conversation (2:05)

Tomutenda Mambo

Artist: Mhofela (Musekiwa Chingodza and Bud Cohen)

Bud and I had such a great time during our 2010 tour, and the music was so good, that we decided to put this album together showcasing some of the songs we were playing. We would like to thank Amai Shumba and Mark for putting this CD together, Thaddeus for his expert recording, and all of our friends who made our 2010 tour worthwhile. One Love Still… ~ Musekiwa


  • Chamutengure (7:07)
  • Mukai Tiende (9:51)
  • Tomutenda Mambo (7:46)
  • Sarura Wako (10:00)
  • Karigamombe (6:16)
  • Dande (7:46)
  • Nhemamusasa (7:59)
  • Serevende of Nyamaropa (5:34)
  • Chikende (7:22)

Kutema Musasa

Artist: Musekiwa Chingodza

Recorded by Dan Pauli in Santa Fe, New Mexico, during Musekiwa’s 2006 visit, Kutema Musasa is truly a solo album. The mood of the album is sweet and meditative, enjoyable for listeners of all ages.


  • Nhemamusasa
  • Chikokiyana
  • NdofambaNaye
  • Ndizarurire
  • Chikende
  • Dande
  • Shumba Yangwasha
  • Nyamamusango
  • Taireva

Tauya Kune Vamwe

Artist: Musekiwa Chingodza with Sumi Madzitateguru

Musekiwas latest release from 2017.


  • NhimuTimuyaNyamaropa
  • Marenje
  • Mukai Tiende
  • ChamutengureDambatsoko
  • Nhemamusasa
  • ServenderaNyamaropa
  • Chamutengure 16 keys Nyunga Nyunga
  • Bangiza


Artist: Musekiwa Chingodza

“Solo”- VaChingodza Buda Pachena, recorded in 2004, is really a collaboration with Jennifer Kyker playing hosho (shakers) accompaniment. The subtitle means, “Mr. Chingodza, show your talents!” The album includes 6 ceremonial songs plus Musekiwa’s original composition, Rega Kuchema.


  • Todzungaira
  • Dande
  • Zimbaravashe
  • RegaKuchema
  • Chipembere
  • Nhemamusasa
  • VanaVapera

Chipendani Music from Zimbabwe

Artist: Sekuru Compound Muradzikwa

Sekuru Compound Muradzikwa shares his unique style of performance on the Zimbabwean chipendani, or mouthbow.  Compiled from a series of field recordings made by Jennifer Kyker at the Imire Game Park, where Sekuru Muradzikwa has been employed as a security guard for over twenty years, the album includes a rare recording of the dzikamunhenga groundbow.


  • Mabhiza
  • BhutsuMutandarika
  • 1963
  • Tsoko
  • MusoroPasi
  • Ndezvemeso
  • YekufudzaMombe
  • Tambaoga
  • Zivaoga
  • Gwirambira
  • TochayaMablue
  • NdoendaNababa
  • TaimbotandaraTiriVaviri
  • RwiyoRwemashaviOkuvhima
  • Mai VakoChiramwira
  • DhongiRinopengaMuzimbabwe
  • KutukaAnorima
  • NyararaMuchazviona
  • BhutsuMutandarikaII
  • KurambaMurumeaneMombe